Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution allows families to engage the legal process prior to court involvement. ADR is an opportunity to determine what is in the best interest of your family. ADR resolves current issues including parenting time and/or custody and sets in place guidelines for the ever changing future. It is an effective venue to negotiate property and financial allocations. Courts encourage and recommend the Alternative Dispute Resolution process in all disputes including Family Law.

Lisa Elliott is a Rule 114 Qualified Neutral (mediator) and an Early Neutral Evaluator. Her twenty years practicing Family Law have lead her to see the great value in early evaluations and negotiations. Lisa brings her experience to the table along with invaluable insight into the issues and struggles experienced during the dissolution process. Lisa advocates for conflict resolution between parties while demonstrating impartiality and assisting in creative and effective settlements.

Please contact our office for information regarding scheduling ADR with Lisa Elliott.

  • Lisa Elliott - Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Lisa Elliott 2
  • Lisa Elliott 3

Office: 612-466-7190
FAX: 612-861-3004